Sunday 7 September 2014

An event that shaped my life

National Service (NS) is a period where all boys in Singapore will have to go through. I too have to go through that period. It was said that NS turn boys to man. However, i have to say that that may not be always true. To me, it was the various events that happened during that time period that changed me. One of the most significant one will be the passing of my dad. since young, i have been sheltered and protected by my dad. i do not know the true meaning of taking care of myself, let alone others. However, everything changed when my dad passed on. At that instance, everything was on my shoulder. Finance and bills, various paperworks to do around the house as well as to consult my mum and taking care of my family. During that period, I almost collapsed. I had to hold on to my sadness while handling all the stuff my dad left behind, as well as taking care of my family. Being away in camp, I had to constantly worry about my family while making calls here and there to settle stuff. There were a few times where I almost cried under stress and the sadness of losing a loved one. As times goes, things got better. Though this incident, my mindset and thinking changed significantly and I learnt the true meaning of "taking care of myself" as well as taking care of other.


  1. This is a very touching, personal story, Albert. We can feel your heartache through the detailed description, and we can feel the weight of your added responsibility with the home duties assumed upon your dad's untimely passing.

    The only part of this that confuses me a bit is when you write that NS helps turn boys into men, then you follow that with a sentence that states that this isn't always the case. However, you proceed to show that in fact for your case you had to become a man, and fast! Because of this odd sequence of 'opposing views,' there is slight disjointedness in your description.

    Be that as it may, I really appreciate your willingness to share this moment with us.
    Thanks, man!

  2. Hi Albert,

    I am sorry about your dad's passing.

    I do agree with you that not all men grow up after finishing 2 years of National Service. There were tough times that we boys face, but i am pretty sure that there are many other factors which affect how a person grows. To me, i did not really grow up because i went for NS. Its more about the things out of NS which teaches people how to manage better time, makes you more willing to spend time with your family and friends or learning how to slow down in life.

    I am glad that you have made it pass the stage and grew up into an independent man! All the best and gambatte! :)

  3. Hi Albert!

    I believe that this event has made you a stronger person and I hope that you will always remain strong to support the rest of your family members in the future. Jiayou and I wish you and your family happiness.

    Ying Hui

  4. Hi Albert,

    I am sorry to hear about such a misfortune falling upon you during your NS. Everyone of us hate to go through the feeling of losing our love ones. I am glad that you had overcome this ardour journey and I could see the cheerfulness in you during class.

    May God give you strength to overcome all obstacles ahead. All the best. Take care!
